Samson: A Lesson In Humility

Feb 26, 2017    Paden Rourk    Judges: Fallen People, Faithful God

Samson’s story, while filled with great feats and exciting narratives, is frequently tempered with defeat and loss. It is a story of highs and lows: a man lifted by God in strength, but also made weak by the same God who granted that power. Samson’s story is a lesson in humility for all of us. God’s grace, poured out onto us undeserving sinners, brings us to our knees, our hearts brimming with gratitude for his kindness. God’s governance inspires acknowledgment of his might, and reminds us that despite our best efforts, intentions, and plans, he is in control over all things. God’s glory, weightier and more magnificent than we could ever imagine, humbles our pride and redirects our worship, for he is worthy to be praised. God revealed produces humility in us as his followers, a gift given to remind us of our limited capacity, yet all the while assuring us of the greatness of the God we serve.