ExplorE OUr Calendar

Come and be a part of our weekly gatherings, special events, and other community efforts. Check out what's happening using the calendar below.

Featured Events

Ash Wednesday

The season of Lent is one of "bright sadness" - a time when we focus intently on turning back to the Lord in all things. We do so, aware that our sin separates us from God, but hopeful in the merciful character of God and the bridge of Christ back to our Heavenly Father. Join us as we press in together, using the book of Joel as a source of teaching, discussion, worship, and prayer on Wednesday nights.

Wednesday Night Discipleship

Ash Wednesday kicks off our study in the book of Joel. We invite you to join us on Wednesday nights from March 12 - April 9 as we use the book of Joel to lead our teaching, discussion, worship, and prayer. 

Food Bank