Gideon: Jesus As The Better Fleece

Nov 20, 2016    Daniel Huskey    Judges: Fallen People. Faithful God.

At first glance, it'd be easy to fault Gideon for having weak faith. After all, God had already given him a sign by consuming the meat and unleavened cakes (6:21) and 'clothing him with the Holy Spirit,' (6:34). But God's positive response to Gideon came free of reprove or condemnation. He willingly condescended himself by giving Gideon the signs through a fleece… A FLEECE!

In so doing, we get a beautiful prototype of what Christ accomplished in his life, death, and resurrection. Christ, too, condescended everything holy that he had full right to claim by stepping into human history, clothing himself in weakness by becoming a man, and dying on a cross. He did this without reprove or condemnation. 'He who knew no sin, became sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God,’ (2 Corinthian 5:21).

Christ then becomes the only sign of assurance that we need of God’s total provision for his people. He has become the sign once and for all that no sin, death, or evil will triumph over those who bear the name of Jesus! So may we move onward in confidence and obedience in all that the Lord is calling us to and may we be a light to the world.

*We apologize for some technical difficulties in this week's podcast.