
Mar 4, 2018    Allen Coleman    Lent: True & Better

During the Lenten season, our Sunday gatherings will be spent observing Jesus’ baptism and subsequent temptation by the Enemy. As we begin this journey, we learn from the incredibly important moment at the start of Jesus’ ministry, when he was baptized, received the Holy Spirit, and was told by God, without any question, that we was the Father’s own beloved Son, in whom he is well pleased. Through our repentance from sin and faith in Christ, our sin is forgiven, and we are given a new identity in which we are hidden in Christ - the Father’s love for Jesus as his beloved son becomes the unconditional, perfect, unending love that is extended to us as his sons and daughters. As we remind ourselves of this identity, we remind ourselves to refrain from settling for the lesser joys and the lies that tempt us, and to find our identity, comfort, approval and security in the true and better source, Jesus Christ himself.