After his identity as the beloved Son of God is confirmed, Jesus is led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by Satan. After fasting for forty days, Jesus was very hungry, and it was at this moment that Satan visited him with his first temptation. Satan asked Jesus to turn stones into loaves of bread, thus confirming his deity and comforting his starving body. Jesus, however, demonstrates his Spirit-empowered allegiance to the Father, quoting Scripture and stating that man does not live only by bread, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. This week, we reflected on the dire importance of the word of God in each of our lives, and learned that while comfort is a gift from God, it becomes an idol when we seek comfort first in the world around us, and not in Christ and his work on our behalf. The comfort we experience as God’s beloved we are to share with those around us, thus fully knowing and spreading true comfort for weary and restless souls.