Different Joy

Aug 9, 2015    Jimmy Cook    Live Different

We live in a culture that is increasingly polarized. The time of seeming congruence between a biblical worldview and prevailing cultural values is coming to a close. But didn’t Christ call us to be different than the kingdoms this world all along. And if he did, how are we to be different? The sermon series explores Luke 6 beginning in vs. 20. Commonly referred to as the Sermon on the Plain, this section of Luke’s Gospel bears similarities to the Sermon on the Mount but is a distinct and unique. In the Sermon on the Plain Jesus reverses the perceived values of His context and challenges the values of ours.

Jesus praises the poor, calls us to refrain from harsh judgment of others, and demands that we give to everyone who asks. This call to a radically different way of life is central to what it means to be His disciple. His kingdom is always in contrast to the kingdoms of this world.