My God, My Father While I Stray
Charlotte Elliott has written some of the most influential hymns of all time (Just As I Am). She became an invalid around age 30, and remained so for the rest of her life. About her physical condition, Elliott wrote:
My Heavenly Father knows, and He alone, what it is, day after day, and hour after hour, to fight against bodily feelings of almost overpowering weakness and languor and exhaustion, to resolve, as He enables me to do, not to yield to the slothfulness, the depression, the irritability, such as a body causes me to long to in dulge, but to rise every morning determined on taking this for my motto, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me."
In Elliott's hymn, "My God, My Father While I Stray", she is qualified to point out that spiritual serenity ought to be cultivated in spite of the shaking mountains and agitated waters. The spiritual calm the Scriptures refer to does not come from a lack of troubles; nor does it come from having discerned God's will in advance.
It derives from a steady, deep reflection on the ways God has intervened in history on behalf of his people. It is "God's past" that provides calm for "our future." Know that he is God! Know it, not merely intellectually, but practically, spiritually, and emotionally. He is your God. He is the ruler of kingdoms of this earth and the all-powerful Creator of the Universe.