
Jan 11, 2015    Allen Coleman    Song of Solomon

Out of more than a thousand songs written by the great King Solomon (1 Kings 4:32), the Song of Solomon is his very best. It sings of a great romance between the wisest king who ever lived and the love of his life, a young peasant girl. The Song of Solomon serves two main objectives: To extol the virtues of love between a husband and his wife. The song clearly presents marriage as God’s design between a man and woman. A husband and wife are to live together within this context loving each other spiritually, emotionally, and physically. To correct two extremes: asceticism (the denial of all pleasure) and hedonism (the pursuit of only pleasure). The marriage profiled in Song of Solomon is a model of consideration, dedication, and adoration. This book will resurrect in us a Godly view of romance, intimacy and sexuality. God reveals what a relationship ought to be like through a couple living in a way which honors and brings glory to Him. They do so through every stage of the relationship from the beginning of attraction – through proposal, engagement, wedding, and honeymoon night – to deepening. Along the way, God uses Solomon's love story to Make Jesus Known in displaying the intimate relationship between Jesus and His bride, the church. Song of Solomon adeptly addresses our most intimate desires and God's desired intimacy for us.