August 18th, 2022
by Andrew Clark
by Andrew Clark

It's no secret or surprise: our deepest desire here at Anthem Church is to make Jesus known.
First, we make Jesus known to ourselves. The Lord has revealed himself to us in mighty, real ways, namely through the person and work of Christ himself. As men and women created in the image of God himself, we are to take in, soak in, and thoroughly explore this revelation. We are to allow what God says about who we are permeate our very being, allowing his love to cover and shape our whole lives. How can we share a love and a God with others if we ourselves are not basking in the relationship he freely offers through grace to his sons and daughters?
Second, we are to make Jesus known to one another. The Son of God himself said to his followers that the world would know we belong to him by the way we internally and tangibly love one another as God has loved us (John 13:35). The church is called to build itself up in love that we may be more like Jesus in our expression (Ephesians 4:15-16). It is easy for us to assume that we are all doing pretty well within the church; we are called instead to stir one another up to good works, to love one another, and to remind one another of who we are in Christ through God's love.
Third, we are to make Jesus known to others in our lives, holding out the hope and grace of God given freely in Christ. This third objective is the natural outpouring of devoting ourselves to the first two; too often in the Church we try to put this one first. As our character and lives are shaped more and more as disciples of Jesus, his Spirit alive in us, we find ourselves, through his power, more like our Savior. Jesus pursued us in love, patience, and with all the passion of the Father, and as we bear fruit in keeping in step with God's will, we will find ourselves pursuing others with the same heart.
As we revisit these core elements of our faith, we want to gaze at Jesus, from whom we draw all influence, inspiration, and hope. So starting this fall, we will center our gatherings and community around this intimate, powerful account of Jesus. May we be struck by his character, moved by his obedience, and changed in new ways by his love, presence, and Spirit as we seek the Word, the very one who became flesh and dwelt among us.
First, we make Jesus known to ourselves. The Lord has revealed himself to us in mighty, real ways, namely through the person and work of Christ himself. As men and women created in the image of God himself, we are to take in, soak in, and thoroughly explore this revelation. We are to allow what God says about who we are permeate our very being, allowing his love to cover and shape our whole lives. How can we share a love and a God with others if we ourselves are not basking in the relationship he freely offers through grace to his sons and daughters?
Second, we are to make Jesus known to one another. The Son of God himself said to his followers that the world would know we belong to him by the way we internally and tangibly love one another as God has loved us (John 13:35). The church is called to build itself up in love that we may be more like Jesus in our expression (Ephesians 4:15-16). It is easy for us to assume that we are all doing pretty well within the church; we are called instead to stir one another up to good works, to love one another, and to remind one another of who we are in Christ through God's love.
Third, we are to make Jesus known to others in our lives, holding out the hope and grace of God given freely in Christ. This third objective is the natural outpouring of devoting ourselves to the first two; too often in the Church we try to put this one first. As our character and lives are shaped more and more as disciples of Jesus, his Spirit alive in us, we find ourselves, through his power, more like our Savior. Jesus pursued us in love, patience, and with all the passion of the Father, and as we bear fruit in keeping in step with God's will, we will find ourselves pursuing others with the same heart.
As we revisit these core elements of our faith, we want to gaze at Jesus, from whom we draw all influence, inspiration, and hope. So starting this fall, we will center our gatherings and community around this intimate, powerful account of Jesus. May we be struck by his character, moved by his obedience, and changed in new ways by his love, presence, and Spirit as we seek the Word, the very one who became flesh and dwelt among us.
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